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Early WInter
Written By: Rehya Stevens

Spring is gone, summer went by way too fast
Fall slipped away she never seems to last
Then it all gets hazy until the leaves go

I remember when you came around every day
You'd crack me up with all the funny things you’d say
Then it all got crazy, I still hear the thunder roll

Oh, I wish it was December
But no, it’s just an early winter
It’s an early winter

Now there’s nowhere to go but in my head
So I travel back to careless the words we said
And it’s colder in my world than on the frozen street now

Remember when we used to
stay up late at night
Dreamin’ 'bout the future and it looked so bright
But the clouds rolled in and darkness crashed down

Oh, It’s not even December
No, It’s just an early winter
We had an early winter

Now we’re forever paused somewhere in time
Underneath the snow where beauty hides
And it all looks dreary until the sun shines

Oh, it's not even December
Oh, it’s just an early winter
No, it's not even December
No, It’s just an early winter
We had an early winter