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Santa's Takin' Over The Town
Written by: Rehya Stevens & Brian Steckler

Donner and Blitzen
Are itchin’ gettin’ ready to fly
Prancer and Vixen
Are polishin’ them reindeer smiles
Dancer’s showin’ Comet
How to rock it in the new freestyle

All the village elves
Are workin’ through the night
Stockin’ up the shelves
From the left and to the right

Gettin’ it done
Cuz Santa’s Takin’ Over the Town
Click your heels and run, Rudolf
Cuz Santa’s takin’ over the town

Bobby’s got a school play
Jenny’s got the lead in the choir
The baby’s got a toothache
With no pacifier
In traffic all the way
It’s like she’s screamin’ through an amplifier

Momma needs a break
Papa wants a drink
Oh for heaven's sake
Everybody’s on the brink

It won't won't be long
'Til Santa's takin' over the town
Tell everyone
That Santa's takin' over the town
Let's have some fun
Let Santa take over the town
Like a son of a gun
Santa’s takin’ over the town

C'mon Rudolf, run!
I think I see a sleigh
Maybe we should stay up
To hear some hooves on the roof
What do you think?
I hope it won't be too long

Cuz all the little kids
They're tryin’ to tow the line
But somethings gotta give
Before lose their little minds

It won’t be long
‘Til Santa’s takin' over the town
They’ll be awake before the dawn
Cuz Santa’s takin’ over the town
Let's have some fun
Let Santa take over the town
Like a son of a gun
Santa’s takin’ over the town